From the Blog

Outback Honey Mousse

OUTBACK HONEY MOUSSE 2 pound eating apples 1 oz butter 3 tblsp water 3 tblsp honey 1 dessert spoon gelatine half pint double cream Peel, core and chop the apples and cook in a covered pan with butter and water on low heat until soft. Takke off the lid and continue cooking quickly until the puree is just firm. Take off heat and stir in … [Read more...]

Rasberries and Honey

RASBERRIES AND HONEY Hull rasberries and palce in a deep dish. Cover with cream, squeeze over a few drops of lemon juice and pour on some honey. Allow to stand for a few minutes, and then stir gently until all items are well mixed. … [Read more...]

Coroboree Honeyed Oranges

COROBOREE HONEYED ORANGES 6 thin skinned oranges quarter pint of water juice of half lemon half pound of sugar 4 tblssp honey 4 oz stoned dates Thinly pare the rind from 2 oranges and place in pot with water and lemon juice. Boil together for 10 mins. Remove from the heat, add the suagr and stir util disolved. Simmer until syrupy and stir … [Read more...]

Apricot Almond Parfait

APRICOT ALMOND PARFAIT 3 oz dried apricots. 3 tblsp butter 3 tblsp flour 2 cups milk 2 eggs half cup coconut few drops almond essence 3 tsp gelatin soaked in quarter cup cold water and disolved over hot water. 4 tblsp honey whipped cream chopped nuts Simmer apricots in small amount of water until soft. Cut each apricot half into 3 or … [Read more...]

Tasmanian Grape Tart

TASMANIAN GRAPE TART half pound short pastry 1 pound white grapes 2 big tblsp honey 2 big tblsp redcurrant jelly. Line greased tart tin with pastry. Prick the base all over with a fork, cover with baking paper and then load on rice. Bake in a mod oven for about 15 mins until golden brown. Remove rice and allow pastry to cool. Halve the … [Read more...]

Honey Apple Fluff

HONEY APPLE FLUFF half a pint apple puree 5 tblsp honey 1 egg wgite Mix apple puree with honey. Whisk egg white until stiff. Fold into apple mix. Serve immediately … [Read more...]

Meringue Apple Pie

MERINGUE APPLE PIE PASTRY: 1 tbslp honey 2 cups plain flour 1 cup SR flour half pound butter half cup cold water FILLING: half cup honey juice and grated rind of 1 lemon 3]4 cup milk 1 cup cake crumbs 2 pounds apples 2 eggs pinch nutmeg Pastry: Sift flour into basin, rub in butter, then honey and mix with cold water. Make fairly … [Read more...]

Date Pudding

DATE PUDDING 6 oz SR flour quarter pound of stoned dates 2 and a half oz butter 2 small eggs quarter cup milk 3 tblsp honey few drops vanilla essence 1 tblsp chopped walnuts Beat butter and honey to a cream, add eggs and beat well. Add milk and essence, then flour. Finally add dates and walnuts. Steam for 90 mins. … [Read more...]

Bread and Honey Pudding

BREAD AND HONEY PUDDING Half a wholemeal loaf honey 1 pint milk sultanas grated nutmeg margarine, vegetable oil Spread each slice of bread with marg and honey, and arrange in greased baking dish. Sprinkle sultanas on each slice, and a little nutmeg. Fill the dish and sprinkle more sultanas and nutmeg on top. Warm the milk and melt one … [Read more...]

Sydney Honey Charlotte

SYDNEY HONEY CHARLOTTE  1 oz butter 4 oz fresh white breadcrumbs  1 lb cooking apples half a lemon 4 oz honey 1 tblsp water Use butter to grease pie dish. Press a layer of breadcrumbs on to bottom and sides. Peel, core and slice apples thinly, and arrange alternate layyers of apple and crumbs in the dish, finishing with crumbs. Grate rind … [Read more...]